
Petition Search &
Analytics Platform

File searching image

Simple, comprehensive searchable database of petition documents filed while prosecuting a patent.


Insights on the filing and granting of petitions. Approval rates/turn around time based on technology centers, etc.

Final agency decisions

Search through various final agency decisions to gain insights on past outcomes.

Trusted by the world’s most innovative law firms

Marshall IPSchwegman Lundberg & WoessnerNorton Rose FulbrightHaynes BooneDentonsGreer Burns & CrainK&L GatesK&L GatesWolf GreenfieldMorrison Foerster
2.1 Million
Patent petition documents
Documents from patent applications
Petitions from last 20 years
Easily filter by petition types


Since 2020, has improved the efficiency and results of prosecuting patents for solo and small practices, Am Law 100 firms, and in-house legal departments

“I was extremely happy with the service and it was instrumental in helping us draft our petitions.”

“Thank you for developing your platform. It was very useful.”

“I appreciate your product, it was very helpful.”

“The petition search provided the answer(s) we were looking for a specific project.”

“Thank you for providing this service. I found it useful for a petition I was preparing. I’ve told several other patent people about the service.”

“The platform has been a great resource and will definitely keep in mind for future cases.”

From the blog

Cover Image for The Trains, Planes and Automobiles of correcting DOCX-related errors

The Trains, Planes and Automobiles of correcting DOCX-related errors

We found significant delays in the processing of patent applications with actual or perceived (i.e., uploaded documents ‘missing’ from the official file) DOCX-related errors.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

Michael Spector

Michael Spector

Cover Image for Why is the US patent system working against US interests?

Why is the US patent system working against US interests?

The true Achilles’ heel is an ongoing failure to address weaknesses in the U.S. patent system that are giving China a technological advantage.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

Cover Image for Ten Recommendations for the USPTO’s Patent Public Advisory Committee

Ten Recommendations for the USPTO’s Patent Public Advisory Committee

PPH applications filed by Chinese entities are being processed faster and subject to fewer requirements and supported by fewer English language documents as compared to PPH applications filed by US or other entities.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

Julie Burke, Ph.D.

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